
A collection of links to articles, posts, videos etc. I find worth reading.

Software organizations

  • Total War: ROME II and Creative Assembly — My Statement Ten Years On (2024) by Julian McKinlay.
    Lack of communication, culture of blaming and switching the arrows, late decisions, making smoke and mirrors instead of real demos and assembling the final product at the very late product development stages - it has been and happening at Creative Assembly - the company behind Total War series. | #game #total-war #mismanagement #war-stories

Software engineering

Personal development

History and Culture

  • Cultivating Minds: The Psychological Consequences of Rice versus Wheat Farming (2024) by Alex Tabarrok.
    A review of how cultivating rice results in more collectivistic culture, compared to cultivating wheat, which results in more individualistic culture. In short - cultivating rice requires a coordinated effort of many people, while growing wheat requires less labour and coordination. | #culture #rice #wheat #collectivism #individualism