Testified Documentation

Posted on 29 September 2024 in Articles • 5 min read

The manual is outdated unless you are continuously building it alongside the application.

Arho Huttunen

It's hard to sell a software product - whether it's a library, a program, or generally speaking, a system - if it doesn't come with a top-notch manual. In my opinion, a good manual should describe every aspect of the system, provide plenty of different high-level examples and lower-level API specifications. It includes a changelog with emphasised important and breaking changes, explains how to install, upgrades and maintain the system.

Keeping such documentation up-to-date is hard. Even when engineers who work on the system take care of the manual, they easily miss some tricky aspects or don't bother to document certain "obvious" behaviour. It's even harder for technical writers who work in silos and don't know much about the internals of the system, or don't fully understand the business case covered by the product feature they are documenting.

Specification by Example and Cucumber

Gojko Adzic proposed the concept of Living Documentation in his renowned book "Specification by Example". But Living Documentation doesn't come for free. For a JIRA ticket a new feature description to become an executable specification, one must first lay down a bridge between the human-friendly narrative and the machine.

For example: A fictional Flixnet movie streaming platform wants to notify the customers that their subscriptions are about to expire. After user mapping sessions, the stakeholders wrote down the following specification expressed in Gherkin/Cucumber syntax:

Feature: Remind a customer about an expiring subscription

  The customer might forget that their Flixnet subscription is expiring.
  We want to retain the customer by reminding them about the expiring subscription
  and providing an easy way to remain subscribed.
  We will notify the customer only once, 3 days before the subscription expires,
  so that the customer is not annoyed.

  Scenario: An active customer whose subscription expires in 3 days gets a notification
    Given an active customer
    And their subscription expires in 3 days
    And we have not sent them a reminder yet
    Then send the customer a reminder

How do we organise the document that incorporates this specification? Should it have a link to the specification? Or take some of its parts, like the feature name and description? Remember that Gherkin pays no attention to those, they are for the reader's convenience only. With some effort, it is possible to program docutils or MyST directive to include the specification into a Markdown file:

### User notifications and reminders

We send our users notifications on certain occasions. They are listed below:

:feature: Remind a customer about expiring subscription


Coupled with the ability to check specification execution (aka tests) results, this could provide a living documentation! It's quite close, to what Gojko Adzic described in his 10-years-later aftermath article written in 2020. He noticed, that with then-available breed of Given-When-Then tools, the most effective solution was converting the specification files into something nicer and easier to read and then publishing a read-only version somewhere outside the version control system.

The sad part is that specifications written in Gherkin and executed via Cucumber are largely abused. Aslak Hellesøy wrote in 2014 that Cucumber was largely misunderstood. Cucumber is first a formost a collaboration tool that aims to bring a common understanding to software teams - across roles. It is not a testing tool for QA to write end-to-end tests on an existing implementation. I witnessed horrible Cucumber misuse: specifications written weeks after implementation got integrated; Specifications which have only technical terms and describe implementation details instead of business rules; Specifications meaningless and repetitive, such as:

Given a user
When user logs in
Then user is logged in

In other words, no one benefits from including bad Gherkin specification details into a manual. And the tooling does not exist yet, anyway.

Testified Documentation

Back to square one - how else to ensure that the behaviour described in the release manual aligns with the released program behaviour?

A simple idea struck me in September 2024. What if we use something that is widely adopted by software engineers? That is - the output of automated tests: unit, behaviour, end-to-end - all of them that run on every build of the system.

Testified documentation diagram

Test automation tooling is widely available and is quite stable for popular programming platforms. Moreover, test runners usually support a common JUnit XML output format. For example, here is the formatted report of two executed smoke tests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <testsuite name="pytest" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" tests="2" time="0.041" timestamp="2024-09-29T14:19:49.292476+03:00" hostname="z">
    <testcase classname="test.test_smoke" name="test_smoke" time="0.001" />
    <testcase classname="test.test_smoke.TestBigSmoke" name="test_big_smoke" time="0.000" />

Now imagine that for every paragraph in documentation file, we include a directive that checks whether certain test cases passed successfully. The results are invisible for the end user, it's intended for developers and copywriters: if any of the required tests fails, documentation won't build.

It's nothing new though: some products already utilize testifying artifacts produced by test automation in documentation. For example, visual tests make screenshots, and the documentation embeds them as example images.

I quickly assembled a small PoC for Sphinx - a tool widely used to write manuals for Python libraries and programs. Here, I included a test name as a role (yes, it should have been a directive ;-):

This is a documentation for the "Spectest" library.

Spectest starts with a simple smoke test. :spectest:`test.test_smoke.test_smoke`.

The build reads test results from the XML above, passes successfully and outputs a Sphinx-based HTML manual. However, if we simulate a test failure by changing the verified name to :spectest:`test_ABCD`, the build breaks along:

/home/zaur/.../index.rst:13: ERROR: TEST test_ABCD not found [docutils]

That's the idea in a nutshell. To me it sounds technically simple enough to get implemented for any extensible documentation generator.

The devil is however, in the details. Testified documentation won't work well unless you have thorough behavior tests. That doesn't imply E2E tests at all! (I profess keeping those to a bare minimum.) Rather, have a suite of fast sociable tests that verify system behaviour and utilize stubs and mocks for external dependencies.


Rainbows and unicorns :) I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and include them here. I am a lucky guy who can share the wildest ideas with my colleagues and friends and get honest feedback.

Jarkko 'jmp' Piiroinen had a very valid and cool-minded point: there is zero incentive to make this kind of documentation-to-test-results bindings if the target audience doesn't care about full-fledged product documentation in the first place.

Seems to be the case, when a system is small enough to fit into product team members heads, and especially when the external interfaces are already documented in a form of specification, like OpenAPI spec.

Arho Huttunen reminded that Cucumber is not the only tool for Specification by Example and Living Documentation. Uncle Bob's FitNesse was there already in 2002! There are also Concordion, Serentiy, and most likely, others. We also discussed that for code examples in documentation, tools like Doctest which allow executing and testing their output during manual generation phase are even more useful.