Hexagonal architecture and Python - Part III: Persistence, Transactions, Exceptions and The Final Assembly

Posted on 31 December 2022 in Articles • Tagged with architecture, DDD, dependency injection, Django, hexagonal architecture, programming, python • 10 min read

Python logo in a hexagon with Roman III literal

Welcome to the third part of the article series, which cover principles of Hexagonal architecture, Dependency Injection, Domain-Driven Design and applies these all to Python and Django application design.

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Refactoring - book review

Posted on 15 October 2022 in Books • Tagged with book, review, programming, refactoring, Martin Fowler, Kent Beck • 4 min read

"Refactoring" book front cover

Refactoring is a book by Martin Fowler about what a fellow developer might describe as "a process of improving the code quality."

I highly recommend this book to software professionals who want to improve and formalise their refactoring skills.

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Hexagonal architecture and Python - Part II: Domain, Application Services, Ports and Adapters

Posted on 18 September 2022 in Articles • Tagged with architecture, DDD, dependency injection, hexagonal architecture, programming, python • 10 min read

Python logo in a hexagon with Roman II literal

Welcome to the second part of the article series, which cover principles of Hexagonal architecture, Dependency Injection, Domain-Driven Design and applies these all to Python and Django application design.

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Good practices: Avoiding the use of test inputs in assertions

Posted on 10 November 2021 in Articles • Tagged with good practices, programming, python, testing, unit tests • 2 min read

Figure of eight know / https://freesvg.org/figure-of-eight-knot-vector-illustration / License: Public Domain

It might be very convenient to use the same fixtures in test setup and assertions. This practice though is not as good as it looks like at first glance.

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Hexagonal architecture and Python - Part I: Dependency Injection and componential architecture

Posted on 30 October 2021 in Articles • Tagged with architecture, DDD, dependency injection, hexagonal architecture, programming, python • 8 min read

Python logo in a hexagon

Welcome to articles series which cover the principles of Hexagonal architecture, talks of Dependency Injection, and its usage in these to Python and Django application design.

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Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders - book review

Posted on 22 October 2021 in Books • Tagged with book, leadership • 4 min read

Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders book cover

"Turn The Ship Around!" is an exceptional book. It narrates a story of a poor-performing submarine becoming the best in a short period of time. It teaches the mechanisms of such transformation which involve the leader and the team alike.

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Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps - book review

Posted on 23 June 2021 in Books • Tagged with book, software development, accelerate • 3 min read

Accelerate book cover

Are you familiar with the gut feeling that the software development practices around you could be better? What if I told you that there is a solid scientific study on practices of low and high performing technology organizations?

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Alarms and dashboards

Posted on 04 June 2021 in Articles • Tagged with rants, alarm, dashboard, DevOps, errors • 2 min read

Ranting about alarms and dashboards

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Concrete Settings: a new way to manage configurations in Python projects

Posted on 11 July 2020 in Articles • Tagged with programming, library, python, concrete settings • 5 min read

After two years of developing a hobby project, I am proud to announce Concrete Settings - a new configuration management library for Python projects.

Concrete Settings was born as an effort to improve configuration handling in a huge decade-old Django application with exceedingly bloated settings.py. Remember that settings.py starts …

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Is classical music performed too fast?

Posted on 25 April 2018 in Articles • Tagged with music, classical • 2 min read

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger... wait - that is Daft Punk. Though classical music seems to follow.

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