Why Opera?

Posted on 28 April 2010 in Articles • Tagged with Opera • 3 min read

There are so many browsers out there! Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari - are the major players on the market. But hey, there is another major and one of the oldest browsers in the world: Opera. You might have heard lots of rumours about it. Maybe even used it. Or maybe you belong to a small group of people, who actually use this browser everyday. Would you like to know, why I've been using Opera for 10 years?

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Inside Python subprocess communication

Posted on 24 April 2010 in Articles • Tagged with programming, Python • 5 min read

Sometimes, it's really hard to understand what happens inside a function or even a whole module of Python's Standard library. For example, the subprocess module contains a very tricky Popep class. I tried to use the the module to communicate with a MATLAB subprocess shell (e.g. send MATLAB commands to subprocess and read the output). Unfortunately I failed and was just able to pass a MATLAB script via command-line arguments. Yet, I learnt much about the Popen.communicate() method and I'd like to share this knowledge with you.

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A very long nightmare

Posted on 01 April 2010 in Articles • Tagged with Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, disk, fail • 1 min read

The worst thing has happened: I have an unexpected drive failure. That's how my Easter has started :(

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Python classes: Dynamic properties

Posted on 10 March 2010 in Articles • Tagged with programming, Python • 3 min read

Python never stops surprising me. While doing my master IT project, I was looking for a way to add dynamic properties to classes (we're speaking of new-style classes of course!). I did a little research and here are the results...

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Back to life

Posted on 19 August 2009 in Articles • Tagged with life • 1 min read

There were no blog updates during 8 month! But I am finally back to life!

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Beginner's guide to creating a GNOME 2 applet with Python (Part II)

Posted on 19 August 2009 in Articles • Tagged with programming, Python, Gnome • 4 min read

It's been a while since I wrote the first part of this guide. I'm happy to introduce you the second part of the tutorial. This part continues the story about applet-only techniques. Even if you're skilled in PyGTK, you are adviced to read this part.

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Big and Little endianness quest

Posted on 01 August 2009 in Articles • Tagged with programming, G.729, C, VAD • 3 min read

Sometimes the bugs in programs do not depend on a programmer. For example, when a programmer expects a certain result from a built-in function, that would be the last place to check for bugs. But sometimes weird stuff happens, and it also happened to me.

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Emacs, LaTeX and pdf viewer

Posted on 14 April 2009 in Articles • Tagged with Elisp, Emacs, LaTeX • 1 min read

A short note on how-to set a pdf-viewer for LaTeX-generated documents in Emacs.

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Byte-compiled ChangeLog

Posted on 03 April 2009 in Articles • Tagged with programming, Emacs, Elisp, regex • 2 min read

My favourite all-purpose, extensible and customizable editor is Emacs. Mastering Emacs takes months, even years, and there is always a lot to discover. For example, I've just seen how Emacs tried to byte-compile a simple ChangeLog text document. How could that happen?

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Beginner's guide to creating a GNOME 2 applet with Python (Part I)

Posted on 25 February 2009 in Articles • Tagged with Gnome, programming, Python • 5 min read

A bootstrap guide on creating Gnome2 panel applets with Python.

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