Concrete Settings: a new way to manage configurations in Python projects

Posted on 11 July 2020 in Articles • Tagged with programming, library, python, concrete settings • 5 min read

After two years of developing a hobby project, I am proud to announce Concrete Settings - a new configuration management library for Python projects.

Concrete Settings was born as an effort to improve configuration handling in a huge decade-old Django application with exceedingly bloated Remember that starts …

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The ultimate guide to Python decorators

Posted on 22 January 2017 in Articles • Tagged with Python, programming • 12 min read

Decorators are one of the most beautiful feature of Python programming language. They can make code easy-readable and maintainable. Nevertheless, their usage may seem tricky and mysterious in the beginning. This is a guide to the world of decorators. I hope that you will feel like a pro and have no questions left about them after exploring this article.

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Python nightmares: Implicit this

Posted on 11 May 2015 in Articles • Tagged with Python, programming • 2 min read

I met a lot of Python beginners who complained about this keyword not implicitly available in class methods. After all, why pass self explicitly?

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A micro Lisp interpreter experiment

Posted on 21 June 2014 in Articles • Tagged with Python, Lisp, programming • 4 min read

While reading the Binary trees chapter from Programming Interviews Exposed by John Mongan et al. I started thinking of alternative recursion examples which do not involve sorting, generating Fibonacci sequence, binary tree traversal and similar tasks. Lisp! Lisp is inseparable from recursion and Lisp interpreter would be a good case to demonstrate what recursion is and how it can be used efficiently. What would be a minimal simplified Lisp interpreter written in Python? Surprisingly, I managed to do it just in 6 lines of Python code! And this is not just because of Python being a wonderful language, but because of Lisp being such a beautiful and simple concept.

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Kidomi - a JSON-based templating library

Posted on 05 January 2014 in Articles • Tagged with CoffeeScript, JavaScript, programming • 3 min read

kidomi - is a simple yet powerful javascript templating library which converts JSON input into a certain DOMNode output. Kidomi was written after I have had a chance to try the dommy ClojureScript library in production.

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Is it a string?

Posted on 23 September 2013 in Articles • Tagged with JavaScript, programming • 1 min read

How do you know if a Javascript variable is actually a string? There are several ways to answer this simple question.

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Kaylee v0.3

Posted on 20 June 2013 in Articles • Tagged with Kaylee, Python, programming • 2 min read

Ladies and Gentlemen! I am proud to announce that Kaylee v0.3 has been finally released!

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PyRegs: The Python Regex Debugger

Posted on 22 May 2013 in Articles • Tagged with programming, Python • 1 min read

Long ago, I learned the regular expressions in order to write a simple syntax highlighting engine. Regular expressions are not hard to master, but take time to practice. Kodos was the regex debugger of my choice, as it was written in Python. All these years Kodos was a "must have" tool on my development machines. Suddenly with the new version of Debian operating system, Kodos was not in the repositories anymore! Why? Kodos is based on QT3 widgets toolkit, which is a bit outdated nowadays (QT5 has been released recently) and was removed from Debian 7.0 ("Wheezy"). That is how I decided to write a small Python regex debugger in Python 3 and its de-facto standard Tkinter bindings to the Tk GUI toolkit.

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Thoughts about XML structure: elements vs. attributes

Posted on 18 May 2013 in Articles • Tagged with programming, XML • 3 min read

Exploring XML elements versus attributes.

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Posted on 28 August 2012 in Articles • Tagged with programming, projects, Python, CoffeeScript, Kaylee • 1 min read

I just returned from my summer vacation and can finally state: another summer is over. But wonderful summer it was! I finally graduated and got a Master's degree in computer science. I cycled a lot and upgraded my MTB skills. I read lot of fiction. And somewhere between work, sports reading and sleeping was Kaylee, a distributed and volunteer in-browser computing framework.

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